The Old Stone Bridge is located in the northwestern part of the city entrance, which according to recent research is estimated to be one of the oldest bridges of this type in Kosovo.
The road that connected the city of Vushtrri with the train station in the village of Shtruerë also passed through this bridge. The Stone Bridge in Vushtrri is also mentioned by various maps of the time, such as. the Frenchman Filip Difre - Kane (1573) who, among other things, says this: "... from there we reached Vushtrri, a large city with many mosques and a large stone bridge".
The bridge is built of stone blocks, which were probably taken from the hills of the ancient city of Lumkuq and Upper Martiraj. The stones are (1) meter long and 30 - 40 cm thick, well carved and walled with parallel bars. The bridge with additional side sections (which were apparently built later), is 135 meters long, raised over (9) nine arches. Legend has it that the bridge once had 12 arches, but that over time they have remained beneath the earth's crust.